
Physical Examination
Author:globalchemicalsintl.com  From:globalchemicalsintl.com  Time:2017/3/6 10:36:53  [Back]

To ensure that employees understand their health conditions, improve employee benefits, Global organized an annually physical examination for staffs on March 6, 2017. In the examination, there are routine blood test, blood pressure, blood glucose, blood lipid of 2 items, chest X-rays, renal function and liver function of 2 items. The number of the participated staff was 130 in total.

Global kept connecting with Dongguan Youhua Hospital for smooth examination. According to the practical production of each unit and department, we made up the physical examination, made arrangement for production, took turns to organize staffs do the examination orderly. That made the exam goes smoothly. During the examination, Dongguan Youhua Hospital was well received by the staffs. Because some experts who are responsible for the specific items. And the hospital knew the views of workers in time, conveyed the requirements and tried not to miss a staff.
